
Who lies the most? Men or women?

Men lie the most but women tell the biggest lies!

Men lie so much it's damn near a language. To call a man out for lying is like playing basketball with a retarded kid and calling him out for double dribbling. You gotta let some shit slide!

A man's lie is like: I was at Tony's House
A woman's lie is like: It's your baby!

So women are the biggest liars!! You got on heels! You're not that tall! You got on make-up! Your face don't look like that!! You got a wonderbra! Your titties ain't that big!! Everything about you is a lie, and yet you expect me to tell the truth! FUCK YOU!!

Chris Rock

Sitter och lyssnar på massor av Chris Rock just nu. Så jävla bra! :D

- Mr Tard


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